The South Coast AQMD offers two dynamic programs designed to build on the agency’s long history of K-12 educational outreach to teachers and students in the region, especially within environmental justice communities.
Clean Air Program for Elementary Students (CAPES)

The CAPES program is South Coast AQMD’s elementary school science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) educational program that focuses on engaging and educating teachers, students, and their families on air quality and the health effects of air pollution.
Under CAPES, a School Flag Program is also available for participating schools to display an air quality flag indicating the air quality conditions for the day. The flags are used as a tool to promote air quality monitoring as part of the daily school routine. Schools in environmental justice communities are prioritized for the program as they are the most impacted by air pollution.
Why Healthy Air Matters (WHAM)
The WHAM program is South Coast AQMD’s middle school and high school education program. Students learn about air quality through an exciting, hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) based curriculum. The curriculum features eight units that focuses on regulation, air chemistry, health effects of air pollution, air pollution sources, and reducing air pollution. The curriculum also teaches students how to get involved and the academic and career paths they can take to help clean the air.