The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is inviting hearth product retailers to partner in implementing the Wood Stove and Fireplace Change-Out Voucher Incentive Program. The SCAQMD has $800,000 in committed funding for change-outs in the zip code target areas and more than $50,000 for advertising and outreach. Please review the program Guidelines (PDF, 977kb) and you will be required to complete a Participation Agreement (PDF, 1.95MB) demonstrating that you will abide by the program requirements. In addition, to participate in the program, you must have a physical store or outlet in the state of California from which business is executed.
Below are the steps for participating in the program after you partner with the SCAQMD.
Steps for a Participating Retailer
Step 1 – Receive the customer’s voucher and apply discount to purchase and installation price for the device selected
· The voucher discount must be applied to the total price to purchase and install a device and that discount must be shown on the invoice given to the customer and later submitted by the retailer to the SCAQMD.
* This program does not alter the overall price of the device; therefore sales tax should be based on the total purchase amount before the voucher discount is applied.
* The incentive reimbursement amount cannot exceed the total purchase and installation cost, excluding applicable taxes.
Step 2 – Notify the SCAQMD when customer has purchased an eligible product no later than the voucher expiration date.
· Fill out the bottom half of the customer’s voucher and submit to the SCAQMD. The completed voucher will include:
the incentive amount applied,
the customer’s name, address and phone number,
date of sale,
type of the existing device to be upgraded/replaced, and
detailed information (make/model/serial number) for the new device to be installed.
Completed voucher forms must be received directly from the participating retailers on or before the voucher expiration date. They can be mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the SCAQMD at:
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Wood Stove & Fireplace Incentive Program
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Email: [email protected]
Fax Number: 909-396-3811
Step 3 – Install the device and submit claim for payment which includes the Certificate of Installation and a copy of the customer’s invoice as detailed below
· After device installation by either the retailer or a third-party contractor, submit a complete Certificate of Installation form to the SCAQMD by mail, email or fax.
· The Certificate of Installation must be complete and include:
detailed information (make/model/serial number) on the new device to be installed,
installation site information,
participating retailer information, and
installer information.
· The Certificate of Installation must be signed by the customer and the installer, and an invoice signed by the customer showing the voucher discount amount applied to the device purchase and installation price must be attached.
· Claim for payment by the participating retailer must be received within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of installation. If additional time is needed due to installation delays, the participating retailer must contact the SCAQMD immediately.
Step 4 – Remove device and submit claim for payment (only applicable to wood/pellet stove/insert removals)
· After removal of the wood/pellet stove/insert, submit a complete Certificate of Destruction to the SCAQMD by mail, email or fax.
· The Certificate of Destruction must be complete and include:
* This program does not alter the overall price of the device; general information (model number/product name) of the device to be removed,
removal site information,
entity removing the device information, and
recycler information.
· The Certificate of Destruction form must be signed by the customer and the entity that removed the device.
· Claim for payment by the participating retailer for device removal must be received within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the old device removal/new device installation. If additional time is needed due to new device installation delays, the participating retailer must contact the SCAQMD immediately.
· Claim for payment by the participating retailer for device removal only (no new device replacement) must be received within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of device removal.
Note: For retailers to participate in the program, they must have a physical store or outlet in the state of California from which business is executed.
For questions or additional details about participation email or call:
Henry Pourzand, Program Supervisor
[email protected]