
Compliance Training Classes: Dust Control

Dust Control in the South Coast Air Basin (Rule 403)

This three-hour training class provides attendees with a comprehensive overview of South Coast AQMD dust control requirements and current strategies for preventing, mitigating and controlling the release of airborne particulate matter (dust) emissions from earth moving activities undertaken within the South Coast Air Basin.  Topics covered during the training class include:

  • Rule 201 (Permit to Construct) and Rule 203 (Permit to Operate)

  • Rule 401 (Visible Emissions)

  • Rule 402 (Public Nuisance)

  • Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust)

  • Rule 403.2 (Large Roadway Projects)

  • Rule 1466 (Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants)

  • South Coast AQMD Dust Control Plan Guidelines and Approval Process (when applicable)

All attendees successfully completing the training class will receive a certificate of completion, valid for 2 years from the date of issuance.

Who Should Attend?

Dust control supervisors who oversee large operations (sites with at least 50 acres of disturbed surface area, or whose daily earth-moving operations equal or exceed 5000 cubic yards on three days in any year) in the South Coast Basin are required to successfully complete this training class.  Dust control supervisors for Large Roadway Projects should also attend.

Dust control supervisors who oversee Rule 1466 applicable operations are required to successfully complete this training class.  Rule 1466 designated sites utilize earth-moving activities, including, excavating, grading, handling, treating, stockpiling, transferring, and removing soils that contain Rule 1466 applicable toxic air contaminants.  Rule 1466 guidance is available on the Rule 1466 compliance website.

This class also provides helpful information for City Managers, Public Works Officers, City Planners, City Engineers, Builders, Large Site Landscapers, Landfill Operators, Developers and Contractors, all of whom are strongly encouraged to attend.


  • Pre-registration is required to attend this training; no walk-in registrations.

  • This training is provided at no cost.

  • To register, email [email protected] and provide the following information for each attendee:

    1. Name

    2. Mailing Address

    3. Phone

    4. Company Name

    5. Cities of Project Locations

    6. Date of the Training Class Requested

    7. Email Address for the Participant (email address must belong to the individual)

  • You will receive a confirmation via email.

Class Information:

  • This half-day course is presented via Zoom Meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month beginning May 20, 2020 until further notice.  No classes are held during the month of December.

  • The Zoom Cloud Meetings app must be installed on your device or Google Chrome must be used as the web browser in order to connect and attend the class.

  • Attendance will be taken during the class.  Only those that registered, attended and turned in a completed Dust test will receive course certification.

  • Course handbooks, handouts and other related material can be found here.

Dust Control in the Coachella Valley (Rule 403 & 403.1)

This three and one half hour training class provides attendees with a comprehensive overview of South Coast AQMD dust control requirements, local jurisdiction ordinance requirements and current strategies for preventing, mitigating and controlling the release of airborne particulate matter (dust) emissions from man-made activities conducted within the Coachella Valley. Topics covered during the training class include:

  • Local Ordinance Requirements

  • Rule 401 (Visible Emissions)

  • Rule 402 (Public Nuisance)

  • Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust)

  • Rule 403.1 (Supplemental Fugitive Dust Control Requirements For Coachella Valley Sources)

  • Rule 403.2 (Large Roadway Projects)

  • Rule 1466 (Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants)

  • South Coast AQMD Dust Control Plan Guidelines and Approval Process

All attendees successfully completing the training class will receive a certificate of completion. The certification is valid for 2 years.

Who Should Attend?

Dust control supervisors who oversee sites containing 5,000 square feet or more of disturbed surface area in the Coachella Valley are required to successfully complete this training class.  Dust control supervisors for Large Roadway Projects should also attend.

Dust control supervisors who oversee Rule 1466 applicable operations are required to successfully complete this training class.  Rule 1466 designated sites utilize earth-moving activities, including, excavating, grading, handling, treating, stockpiling, transferring, and removing soils that contain Rule 1466 applicable toxic air contaminants.  Rule 1466 guidance is available on the Rule 1466 compliance website.

This class also provides helpful information for City Managers, Public Works Officers, City Planners, City Engineers, Builders, Large Site Landscapers, Landfill Operators, Developers and Contractors, all of whom are strongly encouraged to attend.


  • Pre-registration is required to attend this training; no walk-in registrations.
  • This training is provided at no cost.
  •  To register, email [email protected] and provide the following information for each attendee:
    1. Name
    2. Mailing Address
    3. Phone
    4. Company Name
    5. Cities of Project Locations
    6. Date of the Training Class Requested
  • You will receive a confirmation via email. 

Class Information:

  • This half-day course is presented via Zoom Meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. every third Thursday of the month beginning May 21, 2020 until further notice. No classes are held during the month of December.

  • The Zoom Cloud Meetings app must be installed on your device or Google Chrome must be used as the web browser in order to connect and attend the class.

  • Attendance will be taken during class.  Only those that registered, attended and turned in a completed Dust test will receive course certification.

  • Dust Control handbooks, handouts and other related material can be found here.

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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