Consultant List
Exam Announcement
Certified Permitting Professional Program Background
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) is committed to providing high quality service to its permit applicants. South Coast AQMD continually strives to improve permitting efficiency in order to provide timely service. To help accomplish this, South Coast AQMD has established the Certified Permitting Professional (CPP) program, which is aimed to certify individuals that are knowledgeable in all aspects of permit application preparation including rule assessments, emission offset requirements, Best Available Control Technology (BACT) assessments, etc.
Individuals who successfully pass the CPP examination earn the title "Certified Permitting Professional" and may retain the CPP license with annual renewal. Licensed CPPs are provided South Coast AQMD facility information upon request to help prepare permit applications. Licensed CPPs also have the opportunity to list their consulting services on South Coast AQMD's CPP Consultant List webpage, where it is made public to those seeking professional assistance with the permit application process.
A CPP license, however, does not guarantee acceptance of a permit application or issuance of a permit.
CPP Exam Training Courses
Training courses are offered by outside providers, as listed below. These courses are not prerequisites for taking the CPP examination. Anyone with sufficient background and expertise in permit application completion and filing is welcome to take the CPP examination.
Training Course Providers/Instructors
The following is a list of providers and instructors where you can receive training in preparing and submitting permit applications and in preparing for the CPP examination. Please contact the provider directly for enrollment information, course schedules, and fees. South Coast AQMD does not imply that attending one of these classes will guarantee passing of the examination.
Upcoming Courses
UCLA Extension Course C&EE 834.24
“Air Quality Permitting and Enforcement Exam Preparation”
Instructor: Joseph Hower [email protected]
Enrollment deadline: March 31, 2025
Note: This course is being offered online through Zoom
If you are an instructor who would like to have a class listed above, please contact Janice West at [email protected].
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