Delays to Monitoring Schedule and Results
Due to COVID-19, modifications to the air monitoring schedule have been made and data analysis and posting the results online may be delayed.

South Coast AQMD Air Monitoring Locations in the City of Paramount
Community of Paramount - Air Monitoring
Mobile Monitoring of Air Pollutants in Paramount and Compton (PDF)
From March 1 - April 5, 2018, a mobile monitoring of air pollutants was conducted in the greater Los Angeles area, focusing on Paramount, Compton, Gardena, and the City of Industry. The mobile laboratory was equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation to measure a broad range of air pollutants, including particulate matter size, mass, and composition (including hexavalent chromium and other air toxic metals), volatile organic hydrocarbons (e.g. benzene, a carcinogen, and styrene, an odor concern), combustion species (e.g. CO2 and CO from vehicle exhaust), and others. This research project was conducted to demonstrate the capabilities of state-of-the-art equipment for monitoring particle and gaseous air toxic pollutants in real- or near-real-time. View the report above for results and findings from this air monitoring campaign.
Monitoring Data and Map (PDF) - Due to COVID-19, modifications to the air monitoring schedule have been made and data analysis and posting the results online may be delayed
Hexavalent chromium air monitoring results and a map identifying the sites in the city of Paramount for the air monitoring effort that began on October 15, 2016.
Wind Roses (PDF) (What is a Wind Rose?
Assessment of Initial Data from Expanded Monitoring of Hexavalent Chromium in Paramount (PDF) - Nov. 4, 2016
Additional background information on the South Coast AQMD's expanded monitoring efforts in Paramount beginning Oct. 2016. The report includes initial sampling results from Oct. 15 to Nov. 2, 2016.
Site 2 Ambient Concentration Data (PDF)
Multi-metals air monitoring results for Site #2 on Vermont Avenue that began in 2013.
Site 3 Ambient Concentration Data (PDF)
Multi-metals air monitoring results for Site #3 on California Avenue that began in 2013.
Sites 8, 15, 19, 23, and 24 Ambient Concentration Data (PDF) - Dec. 2016 - April 2017
Multi-metals air monitoring results for Sites #8, 15, 19, 23, and 24.
Report on Updated Air Monitoring and Preliminary Assessment of Health Impacts (PDF) - Aug. 10, 2016
Provides a summary of air sampling results and preliminary estimates of health risks based on long-term monitoring data in the community at Sites #2 and #3. Also provides a summary of South Coast AQMD rule development activities to address emissions from grinding operations at metal forging facilities.
Schools - Monitoring Results & Assessments
Air Monitoring Results for Schools (PDF)
South Coast AQMD is working with the California Air Resources Board to conduct air monitoring at schools in the city of Paramount. Results for hexavalent chromium air monitoring and a map identifying the schools in the city of Paramount are provided in this report.
Assessments of Hexavalent Chromium Data at Paramount Schools
Updated assessments of the air sampling results at the Paramount schools. Reports are updated as additional data from school-based sampling becomes available.
Individual Sites - Air Sampling, Source Test Reports & Calculation Methodology
Air Monitoring at Carlton Forge Works (PDF) - Dec. 2014
A summary of air sampling, material sampling, and South Coast AQMD actions and Carlton Forge Works voluntary actions. Includes air sampling results from Aug. 2013 to Dec. 2014.
Air Monitoring at Carlton Forge Works (PDF) - Jan. 2014
A summary of air sampling, material sampling, and South Coast AQMD actions and Carlton Forge Works voluntary actions. Includes air sampling results from Aug. 2013 to Dec. 2013.
Air Quality Testing
South Coast AQMD collected samples inside the following facilities to identify the specific equipment or processes within the facility that could be the sources of hexavalent chromium emissions that could explain the elevated levels seen at the ambient monitors. Once the sources of emissions have been identified, South Coast AQMD can guide the facility to then reduce the emissions from those possible sources. Several possible sources were identified from the facilities that showed elevated levels of hexavalent chromium.
Screening Source Test Report for Aerocraft (Source Test 16-333) (PDF, 6Mb) - Dec. 9, 2016
Screening Source Test Report for Anaplex (Source Test 16-334) (PDF, 11Mb) - Dec. 9, 2016
Screening Source Test Report for Carlton Forge Works (Source Test 17-340) (PDF, 3Mb) - Sept. 1, 2017
Screening Source Test Report for Lubeco (Source Test 17-337) (PDF, 6Mb) - June 9, 2017
Screening Source Test Report for Mattco Forge (Source Test 17-336) (PDF, 3Mb) - June 2, 2017
Screening Source Test Report for Press Forge (Source Test 17-338) (PDF, 9Mb) - Sept. 1, 2017
Screening Source Test Report for Weber Metals (Source Test 17-339-341-343) (PDF, 7Mb) - Sept. 1, 2017
Calculation Methodology for Evaluating Sampling Results for Curtailment Threshold for Orders for Abatement (PDF)
This calculation methodology describes the approach used to determine each facility’s contribution to a local monitor’s level of hexavalent chromium. Under the Stipulated Orders for Abatement for Anaplex and Aerocraft, curtailment of any chrome emitting operation is required if hexavalent chromium levels are more than 1.0 ng/m3 of hexavalent chromium to any monitor, averaged over three samples. This calculation methodology takes into account each facility’s contribution, typical levels of hexavalent chromium found regionally, and contributions from local sources. This approach may be modified in the future as more information becomes available.