Freight rail yards are critical components of the goods movement sector. In May 2018, the South Coast AQMD Governing Board directed staff to pursue both rulemaking and voluntary measures to implement the 2016 AQMP Facility-Based Mobile Source Measure MOB-02: Emission Reduction at Rail Yards and Intermodal Facilities. Overall, the focus is on identifying actions to address emissions associated with freight rail yards and to minimize public health impacts in surrounding communities.
In August 2024, the South Coast AQMD Governing Board adopted Rule 2306 – Freight Rail Yards, as well as its companion Rule 316.2 – Fees for Rule 2306, to reduce emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) associated with Freight Rail Yards and mobile sources attracted to those facilities to assist in meeting state and federal air quality standards for ozone and fine particulate matter. Rule 2306 also includes reporting requirements for infrastructure development to facilitate adoption of cleanest available technologies at applicable facilities.
Rule 2306 is designed to become effective after U.S. EPA approvals of: 1) inclusion of this rule into the California State Implementation Plan; 2) CARB's authorization request for the statewide In-Use Locomotive Regulation; and 3) CARB's waiver/authorization request for the statewide Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation (ACF).
In January 2025, CARB withdrew its requests to U.S. EPA for waiver and authorization of the ACF and In-Use Locomotive regulations. South Coast AQMD is currently evaluating the impacts of this development and potential next steps.
Past Activities
Staff Info:
Elaine Shen
[email protected]