A Notice of Decision or Determination (NOD) is a brief notice to be filed by a public agency after it approves or determines to carry out a project which is subject to the requirements of CEQA. These NODs were issued after the projects were certified on the following dates. For SCAQMD projects, these dates are the SCAQMD Governing Board Public Hearings. For SCAQMD Lead Agency projects, these dates are the certification/approval dates. December 15, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 442 - Usage of Solvents (DOC, 33kb)
November 17, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rules 219, 481, 1107, 1141, 1141.1, 1141.2 and 1162 (DOC, 30kb)
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1102 - Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaning (Proposed New Rule Name: Dry Cleaners Using Solvent Other than Perchloroethylene) (DOC, 23kb)
October 20, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rules 1302 - Definitions, 1303 - Requirements, 1306 Emissions Calculations, and 2000 - General (DOC, 25kb)
Final Program EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1194 - Commercial Airport Ground Access (DOC, 24kb)
Final Program EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1196 - Clean On-Road Heavy-Duty Public Fleet Vehicles (DOC, 25kb)
September 15, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1131 - Food Product Manufacturing and Processing Operations (DOC, 207kb)
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1168 - Adhesive and Sealant Applications (DOC, 145kb)
Final Program EA for Proposed Fleet Vehicle Rules and Related Rule Amendments (DOC, 24kb)
August 18, 2000
Addendum for Proposed Amended Rule 1401 - New Source Review of Toxic Air Contaminants and Report on Potential Impacts Relative to Sources Subject to Rule 1402 - Control of Toxic Air Contaminants from Existing Sources (DOC, 29kb)
Final Program EA for Rule 1186.1 - Less-Polluting Sweepers (DOC, 23kb)
Final Program EA for Rule 1194 - Commercial Airport Ground Access (DOC, 24kb)
July 20, 2000
Final Negative Declaration for Tosco Los Angeles Refinery Ethanol Import and Distribution Project (DOC, 28kb)
June 16, 2000
Final Program EA for Fleet Vehicle Rules and Related Rule Amendments (DOC, 31kb)
Final EA for Rule 1146 - Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Industrial, Institutional, and Commercial Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (DOC, 31kb)
June 1, 2000
Final Negative Declaration for Installation of Additional Production Line at Cytec Fiberite Inc., Anaheim, California (DOC, 27kb)
April 21, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 461 - Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing (DOC, 23kb)
March 21, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1402 - Control of Toxic Air Contaminants from Existing Sources and Proposed Amended Rule 1401 - New Source Review for Toxic Air Contaminants (DOC, 30kb)
January 21, 2000
Final EA for Proposed Amended Rule 1189 - Emissions from Hydrogen Plant Process Vents (DOC, 31kb)
NOD Archive
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Current employment opportunities at South Coast AQMD
South Coast AQMD has a number of programs that provide monetary incentives for implementing cleaner technologies.
Information on South Coast AQMD's permits, application forms and guidelines Link for Online Permitting for Dry Cleaners
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CEQA Notices
CEQA Permit Forms
Air Quality Modeling
South Coast Air Quality Management District
21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District