A Notice of Decision or Determination (NOD) is a brief notice to be filed by a public agency after it approves or determines to carry out a project which is subject to the requirements of CEQA. These NODs were issued after the projects were certified on the following dates. For SCAQMD projects, these dates are the SCAQMD Governing Board Public Hearings. For SCAQMD Lead Agency projects, these dates are the certification/approval dates. December 11, 2015
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for Hixson Metal Finishing Risk Reduction Project (PDF, 75kB)
December 4, 2015
Final Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Regulation XX - Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) (PDF, 319kB)
Final Subsequent Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Rule 1110.2 - Emissions from Gaseous- and Liquid-Fueled Engines (PDF, 106kB)
November 6, 2015
Final Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Rule 1156 - Further Reduction of Particulate Emissions from Cement Manufacturing Facilities (PDF, 98kB)
October 2, 2015
Final Environmental Assessment for Proposed Rule 1420.2 - Emissions Standards for Lead from Lead Melting Facilities (PDF, 171kB)
Breitburn Santa Fe Springs Blocks 400/700 Upgrade Project (PDF, 952kB)
September 4, 2015
Final Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Rule 1148.1 - Oil and Gas Production Wells (PDF, 1.4MB)
Final Subsequent Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Rule 1420.1 - Emissions Standard for Lead and Other Toxic Air Contaminants from Large Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Facilities (PDF, 1.5MB)
August 11, 2015
Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Chevron Products Company El Segundo Refinery Product Reliability and Optimization Project (PDF, 81kB)
June 5, 2015
Final Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Rules (PARs) to Implement the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Revisions to the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines (PDF, 339kB)
May 1, 2015
Final Environmental Assessment for Rule 2202 Emission Reduction Quantification Protocol for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Projects (PDF, 40kB)
Final Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amendments to Rule 2202 Employee Commute Reduction Program (ECRP) Guidelines (PDF, 41kB)
March 6, 2015
Final Subsequent Environmental Assessment for Proposed Amended Rule 1420.1 - Emissions Standard for Lead and Other Toxic Air Contaminants from Large Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Facilities (PDF, 104kB)
February 18, 2015
Final Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration for Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc.; Signal Hill West Unit (SHWU) Gas Plant Modification Project (PDF, 318kB)
NOD Archive
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South Coast Air Quality Management District
21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
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